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Top 10 Ideas for Valentine’s Day with Kids

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If it snuck up on you, don’t worry—you are not alone. Luckily, kiddos love seeing your creativity. They also love joining in and showing you their creativity. Our top 10 list of awesome Valentine’s Day tips may be just the thing to spark your family’s imagination and get those creative juices flowing.


Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

1. Heart-shaped Brownies

As much as we try to eat healthy all year long, Valentine’s Day is a hard one when it comes to sugar. We couldn’t say no to heart-shaped brownies. Whether you bake them from scratch with the family, or buy them ready-made, all you need to transform the chocolaty-goodness into a Valentine’s Day showstopper is a heart-shaped cookie cutter. More sugar? cut out two brownies and sandwich some raspberry jam or buttercream between the layers. Yum!

Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day IdeasSnip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

2. Heart Salad or Lunchables

On a healthier note: A great way to get your kids to eat salad is to cut peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, jicama and radishes into heart shapes. They will also love cheese, meat and crackers in heart shapes. Try it for lunch, dinner or a snack on Valentine’s Day.


Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

3. Lollipop Butterfly Card

Some construction paper, a few lollipops and stickers to decorate. Easy—and simply adorable.

Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

4. Candy Tic-Tac-Toe

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to play with your food! There’s a number of candy options and printables on Pinterest for sure. A square of construction paper with hand-drawn game boards and a box of Tic Tacs would work just as well.


Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

5. No-Sew Heart Pillow

A cute and fun take on the fleece tie blanket, these pillows are perfect for little hands to tie together. The ideal family project for cozy Valentine’s Day night in front of the TV watching the Winter Olympics.

Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

6. Heart-Shaped Animal Faces

Forget the flower and card holiday, we think Valentine’s Day is the construction paper holiday! Let your kiddos cut out a variety of heart shapes in different colors and sizes and then see what animals you can make as a family. Make it a game and award the winning family member that last heart-shaped brownie.


Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day IdeasSnip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

7. Family Cupcake Battle


Unfrosted cupcakes (homemade or store bought) and all of the fixings. Ready. Set. Go. It’s like decorating holiday cookies, but for Valentine’s Day—and with cupcakes! Yes, this one is messy, but the giggles and laughter are so worth it.

Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

8. “I Love You Because…” Book

The theme of the day is LOVE. What a great way to show that love by creating a family “I Love You Because…” Book. Draw pictures, write stories and decorate your book together. Everyone contributes and, in the end, you have a family fun-time special memory keepsake.


It’s hard to get away from food and sweets on Valentine’s Day. Here’s a couple of ideas for non-food related gifts for your little ones. They’re inexpensive and fun as well!

Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas

9. Heart Pajamas

Buy them for the entire family to match! We think these pjs are the perfect gift to say, “I love you”.

Snip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day IdeasSnip-its Top 10 Valentine's Day Ideas


10. Fun Socks and Temporary Tattoos

There are just so many heart-shaped items out there. We love the sock idea with the temporary tattoos. Kiddos of all ages get a kick out of funny socks and love the idea of a temporary tattoo to commemorate the special day. Plus, puns like, “You knock my socks off” are silly!

Share your favorite family-fun, kid-friendly Valentine’s Day tips and ideas on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages @SnipitsSalons, using hashtag #SnipitsValentine. Let’s take our relationship to the next level! “LIKE” us on Facebook, turn on our notifications and show your LOVE for Snip-its by seeing us first in your news feed.



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