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Lice Prevention Month

Having Lice Isn’t Nice

It’s September and lice prevention month. Classrooms are full – or overflowing – once again. Kids share things. All the things. Hats, scarves, masks, school supplies, headbands, toys…and germs. Lice like that. They are fast crawlers and love a clean, freshly washed head of hair.

Yes, you heard us right: LICE PREFER CLEAN HAIR OVER DIRTY. Lice is not something to be embarrassed by as lice likes clean hair and knows no socioeconomic differences.

Snip-its has lice prevention and elimination products

Other Lice Myth Busters

  • Lice do not jump
  • Lice do not fly
  • Lice do not swim
  • They like to be clean and warm. Which means our body heat attracts lice.
  • Lice have adapted to living in human head hair – they are unique to humans and humans only
  • Lice cannot live more than 48-hours without a human host

Sharing lice isn’t fun

Statistically, head lice affects an estimated 12-20 million people in the US every year. Once a child has head lice, 85% of their siblings will get head lice, 65% of parents and 10% of care givers will follow. The thought of lice creeping through the family wardrobes and scalps is a spine tingling, head scratching notion; imagine lice doing the same for your entire local community. Please talk to and inform parents in your local social circles if your family gets an outbreak – let others know. It is the best way to quell massive outbreaks and lessen the time and financial commitment of treating massive and reoccurring outbreaks.

Snip-its has lice prevention products

September is National Lice Prevention month

The goal of this awareness month is to help families and communities control head lice without exposing kiddos, adults and the environment to pesticides and toxins.


  • Prevention starts with EARLY detection.
  • Do regular family head checks 2 to 3 times a week whilst your kiddos are in school.
  • Look for tiny white dots (eggs), sticky dots resembling dandruff near the scalp attached to the hair shaft (empty nit shells) and grayish brown sesame seed-size objects in the hair that move (adult lice).
  • Look around the scalp, behind the ears and near the neckline.
  • Avoid head-to-head contact: Think sharing hats, hugs, and group selfies. Just, no.

September is Lice Prevention MonthSnip-its has lice elimination products

Teach your kids good habits:

Avoid sharing hairbrushes, combs, hairclips, binders, hats, bike helmets, scarves, coats, towels and even headsets and earbuds. Don’t share lockers, desks, clothes hooks and closet space. Lice can survive 48 hours without a host; they have the time to crawl from article of clothing to article of clothing. Avoid these risky situations whenever possible.

Your Family’s Minty Best Friend

Snip-its Lice Prevention

Prevent lice breakouts by using a preventative, natural, leave-in lice repellent like Ladibugs Leave-in Mint Spray. Consistent use can act as an effective repellent against potential infestations. The mint spray won’t dry the hair out, leaves a refreshing minty sent and nourishes the scalp. Plus, you can use it as frequently as you’d like – and not just on hair:

  • Spray on brushes and combs
  • Spray on backpacks
  • Spray inside hats and on scarves
  • Spray on hair accessories, inside helmets and on the headrests in your car

According to the CDC, an estimated 12 million infestations among children (ages 3 to 11) occur each year in the United States. By practicing preventive measures, you can help lower your children’s risk of infestation!

Lice Prevention Begins at Snip-its Haircuts for Kids

We carry pesticide-free lice prevention and elimination products. They not only prevent and eliminate head lice, but also any nits, eggs, or debris that are likely left behind before removal. Talk to one of our Kids’ Hair Experts about the best prevention products available and check out the Snip-its website for more great tips and tricks on preventing and treating head lice.Snip-its can help with lice prevention


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